“Music for Refugee”

Música para RefugiARTE

We are passionated about music and committed to providing you with an unforgettable musical journey

Música para RefugiARTE
“Music for Refugee”

It is a program to get public and private funds offering scholarships, financial, technical, and logistical assistance, social and psychological work to create orchestras and choirs through the Sunstate Orchestral Program “El Sistema Tampa” for children and youngsters in the condition of refugees in the United States of America, extended for Central and South America.

Nothing is as universal as music is, and there is nothing more similar to a perfect society than an orchestra. With these two elements, we are increasing the children’s human potential to maximum capacity”

Jesús Sira

Co-Founder of the Refugee Program “Música para RefugiARTE”
Music Director of the Sunstate Orchestral Program “El Sistema Tampa”

Música para RefugiARTE
on the news

Tampa program for refugee kids offers harmony and inspiration

The Sunstate Orchestral Program’s Música para RefugiARTE (Music for Refuge) initiative has garnered attention and praise, making headlines in the Tampa Bay Times.

Tampa refugee children get a new opportunity through music

A symphony orchestra of Hispanic origin is literally changing the lives of dozens of refugee children in Tampa who, despite adversity, have come to the Bay with their families in search of a better future.

Sunstate Orchestral Program’s Refugiarte by Spectrum News

With the recent increase in migrants seeking asylum in the U.S., the program has established a scholarship known as the Refugiarte Scholarship "Música para RefugiARTE".

Inspiring transformation for Tampa’s refugee children

The Sunstate Orchestral Program-El Sistema Tampa is an ethics project for life, hope, and transformation aiming at social change”

Francisco Díaz

President - Founder of the Sunstate Orchestral Program “El Sistema Tampa”

Transform lives with your generous contribution

Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future through the transformative power of music

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